Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm just trying to find... what's on her mind

Wonder texted me last week and asked me to go to a hockey game. After our previous date, I was very hesitant to go out with her again. But I went. And I had a lot of fun. I could tell that Wonder had zero interest in the hockey game but she did her best to have fun anyway. We had a really interesting conversation over dinner after the game about the traits of the person we want to marry. I actually felt like we bonded a little. It helped to see Wonder really trying. On Thursday, Jewel and I met up for dinner and a movie. I always have lots of fun with Jewel. She is just so spunky. Kind of a bit nerdy too but fun. She called me a killjoy when I predicted the end of the movie. We held hands during the movie but there was no linger after the movie when I walked her to her car. I am not sure if she wants me to kiss her or if she just doesn't know how to act in those situations. On Saturday I had a date with Peyton. The situation with Peyton is kinda awkard. We met at a bar 2 1/2 years ago and ended up making out. We hung out one time after that but I really wasn't that interested. Every once in awhile, she will text me and suggest we get together for something. So I finally agreed to something on Saturday. The date was pretty fun. Peyton is really interesting to talk to. But she isn't really my type. We were on the couch and she turns to me and says "Wanna make out?" It was just so casual, it caught me off guard. I suppose dating is like a lot of things in life: two steps forward, one step backwards.


  1. all these girls hate on you and think your a sleeze when commenting on your blog. ha. I think it'd be funny to go on a date with you.

    Come to Canada and I'll let you take me out!

  2. sounds like dating is on the upswing. :)

  3. Dear Lachele:

    Canadia eh? I think I could justify a trip out of it if I could have three guaranteed dates. You know, just so I don't put all my eggs in one basket. Are there two other girls you could set me up with in Canadia that are pretty cute so that I could justify the trip?

    Love Tripp

  4. Dear Miss A:

    I guess we made out. It only lasted for maybe 30 seconds but by my definition of making out (continuous kissing lasting for a minimum of 19 seconds), I guess we did make out.

    Love Tripp

  5. Yes. I can.

    Done and done.
    See you soon(seriously, for real tho) haha

  6. ok, here's what bothers me. Lachele's comment: "Come to Canada and I'll let you take me out!" She'll LET you take her out and pay for stuff for her? What a bunch of crap! I'm tired of girls thinking that it is some great thing to be able spend money on them. No offense to Lachele - it's obvious she's hot, tall, blonde haired, blue eyed, tan, and crazy. I respect women and everything but I'm sick of the whole princess routine. I'm glad Wonder is taking the initiative (my theory is that it's because she wasn't raised Mormon).

  7. oops, I thought Wonder was the Jew, but I guess that's Jewel. Obviously. I'm against Wonder anyway, but I still think it's cool that she asked you to hang out. I retract the end of my last comment.
