Thursday, February 2, 2012

Samsonite's Exit

I hung out with Samsonite on Sunday. I thought things were going pretty well. So last night, I texted her to ask when we could see each other again. Much to my surprise, I received a long text from Samsonite explaining why she didn't think we should see each other anymore. I was bugged. In my response, I tried to explain why I thought she was being foolish and what I was willing to do to try and make this work. Her response makes my blood boil.

"Listen, I don't want this to end ugly with bad feelings. I care about you as a friend, Tripp. I just don't want to date or do what we are doing anymore so, therefore, don't think it's probably a great idea if we hang out."

I don't want to respond. I don't want to be Samsonite's friend. Anytime someone is not willing to put in the work required to make a relationship work, I already pretty much know what kind of friend they are going to be. Crappy. I guess it's kind of interesting that I expect more out of my friends than I do out of the girls I date.


  1. Oh man! I just wrote up a super long (and helpful I like to think) comment but one slip of my thumb on the track pad before I was done and the page refreshed or something. So that sucks.

    But the gist of it was that you are better off and at least she was honest, therefore saving you a lot of wasted time, money and emotion (on someone else's future wife).

    P.S. As a notorious lip gloss user, I hated your post about it. Still, you made some good points. So I loved the post too. Now thanks to you and the support of some trusted friends, I'm thinking about quitting. :)

  2. Dear Holly Holliday:

    I hope I didn't offend you with my post about lip gloss. I think every person has the right to make their face however they want it to be. I just don't think most girls realize how repulsive it is to some guys. If we can change the world, one person at a time, at this rate, by the year 2050, I predict there will be 5 less girls wearing disgusting lip gloss. I consider that an achievement.

    Love Tripp

  3. Word.

    Cut her out as you would a cancerous mole!

  4. Dear Waited For a Sister Missionary:

    Yeah, Samsonite needed to go. Incidentally, don't do a google image search for cancerous mole right before lunch. You might find yourself scanning the faces, hands, arms, necks, etc. of the food workers for cancerous moles, leading to a reduced enjoyment of lunch.

    Love Tripp

  5. As usual, I agree with WFaSM.

    But seriously. I am more than a little bit livid that she broke up with you over a text. What a skeeze.

  6. Dear jenerator:

    Before I bad mouth Samsonite too much, I should admit that there are reasons why Samsonite broke up via text instead of via person. Reasons that don't belong on a public blog. But still, what a skeeze!

    Love Tripp
